Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sans Peur

The motto of the Sutherland clan, as reported to you yesterday, is Sans Peur. 
Dornoch has adopted that, except in English, Without Fear.

I remember a conversation with neighbor Katie Eagle (owner of Jack the Pug and Petunia the Boxer) from decades ago. She said, Every person wakes up each morning and chooses either Fear or Hope. Life is really as simple as that, she said.  Sometimes we don't know we are choosing, she said. 

I have dealt with the Fear-Hope tug-of-war all my life. 
I know it is my choice. 
I know it is a daily choice. 

And here, in Dornoch, it just hit me. There on the crest, which is everywhere, a reminder. Atop downtown's buildings, outside the cathedral, on the golf course. 

A reminder to choose Without Fear!

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