Monday, September 2, 2013

More life in Wee Dornoch, Mon Sept 2

How do you keep this town so darned charming?
In the rain, while raining, they still water the flowers.

Walking. Walked through Littletown. Started as thatch huts from displaced croft farmers, now adorable stone houses. 

Rainy days make for awesome light.

Tea hits the spot.

At Royal Dornoch bar. 
Great lunch spot, watching the golfers battle the first hole. NO mulligans allowed. Ever. 

Banana honey cake after golf.

Loch Fleet, another hiking spot.

And today, hiked a third way up to the Mannie, a huge monument to the 1833 Duke of Sutherland, atop Ben Bhraggie. We hiked 3 miles, and it seemed to me like 10 miles of vertical elevation. The map says we went up 475 vertical feet. Maps have been known to be wrong. 
Pine forests, rocky outcroppings, fern and wildflower openings. Lovely hike.

And Sheep!

Not sure what happened here...

The one guy that hikes slower than me.

Lunch afterwards at Coffee Bothy. Yippee doodle!

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