Monday, September 8, 2014

Sounds and Smells

Nothing visual today.
Sounds and Smells.

Silence, that was deafening the first few days. Now is calming. Serene.
Gurgle of electric tea kettle, then the click off when boiling.
Very noisy dishwasher. But much appreciated.
Doves cooing outside, as windows are cracked open.
Lawn bowls enthusiasts cheering next door.
Flags at Royal Dornoch Golf's first tee slapping in the wind.
Chatter stops. Click of metal striking surlyn. Chatter continues.
Waves lapping at the wide sandy beach.
Birds chirping.
Small cars driving on wrong side of road, up the hill past our house.
Cathedral bells pealing the matins.
Scottish accents walking by as I get on with food shopping.
Peat burning to warm someone as they wake up to the day.
Heavy cleaver slamming down onto foot thick woodblock, separating lamb chops.
Potatoes falling over each other as I chose some from bin for dinner.
Thoroughly non-understandable words of greeting from cashier as I pay for pint of milk.
Motorcoach in neutral, waiting for tourists after a browse through our 800 year old cathedral.
Delightfully light British accents of couple walking with me up the hill home.
Footsteps on our gravel driveway.

Black tea steeping.
Fresh air cleansed by Dornoch Firth and verdant hills.
Porridge heating, smooth smelling.
Mossy moist as I pass graveyard walking downhill.
Wild roses, lavender, lilies.
Meaty and earthy inside the Dornoch Butchers.
Fresh scones and bere buns as I pass Harry Gows.
Disinfectant lightly in air at the Co-op.
Cathedral a bit musty. Over 800 years, thousands have entered here, searching for Light and Peace.
Cut grass of the lawn bowls court.
Salt and seaweed of the Dornoch Firth's waves.

I think it is the palpable silence that allows me to restore over here.

I leave you with that great Psalm of Restoration, Psalm 71. Written by King David, who slew the giant Goliath, wrote some great songs, strong King of Israel.  And adulterer, he sent the woman's husband to die on the front line, then his son died in battle.  He turned to God for forgiveness and for restoration.

19 Your righteousness, God, reaches to the heavens,
    you who have done great things.
    Who is like you, God?
20 Though you have made me see troubles,
    many and bitter,
    you will restore my life again;
from the depths of the earth
    you will again bring me up.
21 You will increase my honor
    and comfort me once more.
22 I will praise you with the harp
    for your faithfulness, my God;
I will sing praise to you with the lyre,
    Holy One of Israel.
23 My lips will shout for joy
    when I sing praise to you—
    I whom you have delivered.

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