Thursday, August 22, 2013

Anstruther, Thurs Aug 22

Look who popped in for breakfast! It's the father of the bride, toting a Personalized Diet Coke.

Off to Golf. Whiting's optimistic taking his sun glasses. 

The very same Dreel Burn.. had a lovely footpath alongside. Footpaths everywhere in UK.

How charming is this?  Anstruther is the quaint fishing village your mind pictures. 

Please note seaside motif.

Middle schoolers out for lunch recess, eating bags of crisps. 

"Seventh best Fish and Chips" shop in the World. 

English garden with character. 

He really really is teeing off  in a kilt. 

Nice walk on the Coastal Path towards Pittenweem before dinner. 

As is usual in Scotland, public footpaths follow along golf courses. 

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