Thursday, May 9, 2013

OMG ... I've climbed up the technology ladder... NBCC lobbying.. NatsGame

Thanks to the younger generation with me in this car right now, I have been shown the APP for my blog posting software.

This is life changing!

Here i am lobbying for HR 1830, Accelerating the endof breast cancer act. Asking for no additional funds, just a process to analyze the scientific data available and direct funding to research that focuses on ending breast cancer. Research on BC vaccine ( such as was found for cervical cancer in 2006), and research on metastasis ( spreading, which is what actually would kill you, and could translate to other cancers.)

Then I had dinner w Uncle Matt and Aunt Ginny. Dad's brother. At our hotel, Morrison House, 116 S Alfred in Old Town Alexandria. Will come here again, excellent. 45 rooms, top notch bathrooms, elegant downstairs sitting rooms. Excellent staff. 

Then the next day, off to more fun. 
Tigers - Nationals.
 Truly, It doesnt get much better than this!

My Washington time was fast and furious. I am slightly shocked at the whole concept of lobbying. It is how democracy works. In the cafeteria below one of the office buildings, we sat between appointments amidst 500 other lobbyists, and 200 staffers, approximately. Waiting for our 15 minutes of marketing time. What a business, this politics is. Lobbyists, lobbying consultants, analysts, marketing groups, and more. 

There's an innocence missing. An innocence that fairness to all is the highest calling. 
You can sense that. I hope I never loose the ability to sense that. 

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